A lot has happened since our last newsletter. Christmas has come and gone and the New Year was ushered in. The overwhelming memory for most of us though would be the catastrophic floods that occurred throughout the country, but especially in Cumbria and Yorkshire. Many communities were devastated not just once, but two or three times as the weather was relentless.

Tadcaster bridge cut in half by the floods
At Adam Carpets we always try to help our customers when we can, so when we received calls from Kendal Carpets, Capstick Carpets, Classic Carpets in Cumbria and Calcaria Carpets in Tadcaster, whose showrooms were all affected by the floods, we were able to send in replacement stands and samples straight away, so that they could get back to some normality.
To try to describe the scenes, Classic Carpets in Carlise, just along from the football ground, had a water line over 5ft high in its showroom. It was a similar story for Kendal and in Appleby where Capstick is based. You can see the image above of the bridge in Tadcaster, where Calcaria Carpets sit alongside.
To all our customers who have been affected by the floods, wherever you may be, our thoughts are with you and we wish you a prosperous and dare we say drier 2016. We are here to help and support in any way we can.

Replacement stands and samples at Calcaria Carpets